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Nominations and Elections

03 Nov 2015 9:34 AM | Deleted user

TASFAA friends, we need nominations for YOUR Executive Board!!  Please take a few moments to consider who would make a great candidate for each of the positions below.  Be sure to ask your nominee if they are interested in running before submitting their name.  Maybe YOU would make a great candidate!!  Keep in mind that running for office is a big, yet very rewarding commitment.

Positions open for 2016-2017:

President-Elect: Will serve as TASFAA President for 2017-2018.

Secretary: Recorder of the Association and the custodian of its records.

Sector Representatives: Voting members of the Executive Board who represent their respective sectors.

  • ·        Community College Representative
  • ·        Private Institution Representative
  • ·        Public 4 Year Representative
  • ·        Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology (TCAT) Representative
  • ·        Proprietary Institution Representative
  • ·        At-Large Representative (Represents all of those included in the TASFAA membership)

If you have any questions or would like more information about any of the open positions or the TASFAA election process, please contact any member of the Nominations and Elections Committee.


Celena Tulloss-                University of Tennessee Knoxville

               Sandra Rockett-               Dyersburg State Community College

               Cara Suhr-                      TCAT Nashville

               Marian Dill-                      Lee University

Nominations will be accepted through December 4, 2015 and may be sent to  All nominations will be kept confidential.  TASFAA elections will begin in January.  We look forward to receiving your nominations!

Celena Tulloss

TASFAA Past-President 2015-2016

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