TASFAA Members! TSAC needs your support for Financial Aid Awareness and Outreach events. This is YOUR opportunity to support students and shine for TASFAA. It is easy! Volunteer for high school financial aid nights, TN FAFSA Frenzy events, FAFSA completion workshops to just name a few opportunities. Check out the wonderful materials available at https://www.tn.gov/assets/entities/gearuptn/attachments/TNFAFSAFrenzyToolkit2016.pdf for our use.
Please log into the TASFAA website and update your profile to volunteer. Set your personal goal for September 9, 2016 to add “volunteer” to your TASFAA profile! You can also email Diane LeJeune at diane.LeJeune@tn.gov to offer your assistance. If you plan your own event, please let Diane LeJeune, your TASFAA sector representative or me know. We can all work together to support college goals for our students and future TN students!
Cherry Johnson
Financial Aid Awareness Chair