Happy New Year TASFAA! I hope you had a wonderful holiday season. Now it is back to registration, bills due, freshman packaging for 17/18, 399 resolutions, and keeping the aid train on the tracks!
Here are a few goals your TASFAA board has been working on over the past few months:
- Policy and Procedures review and recommendations for revisions.
- The Awards committee is reviewing TASFAA members service award increments.
- Annual conference planning is underway.
- New face lift for the TASFAA website home page.
- New Volunteer page/form is being worked on.
- TASFAA’s first Tennessee State Hill visit is being planned for February.
Your sector representative is your liaison to the TASFAA board. They are available to accept recommendations and suggestions! The TASFAA website has their name and contact information.
What’s ahead?
- TN FAFSA Frenzy Day is January 12th. Remember, TN deadlines are 1/17/17 so this is a last push!
- TASFAA Elections for the 2017-2018 year will be opening the end of January.
- NASFAA credential deadline, for those who attended the TASFAA Fall Training, is January 30, 2017.
- SASFAA – forget the cold and head to Biloxi, MS! Register now for the February 12-15, 2017 conference.
- TASFAA annual conference is April 23 – 26, 2017 at the Embassy Suites in Murfreesboro. Mark your calendar and watch for registration to open.
Stay warm out there! Hope to see you at either the SASFAA or TASFAA conference (or both!) Remember – what you do matters!
Karen Hauser
TASFAA President 2016-17