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Welcome to the TASFAA Blog

11 Jul 2011 5:51 AM | Deleted user
TASFAA Executive Board convened this past Friday at Cool Springs Marriott in Franklin. Some of the Board highlights were:

*2011/12 Budget Passed
*Blog was created
*Legislative Update - will be posted to website along with minutes
* Lottery Update - will be posted as well
* Fall training workshops were discussed - more info to come

We had a great game of "Get to Know" you BINGO and we thanked those on the 2010/11 Board who would not be returning.

On a personal note, I said goodbye to a colleague and friend this past meeting. Rick Taphorn, instrumental in getting our new site up and running, but more for just being a friend. Rick has accepted a job in St. Louis and will be leaving TASFAA at the end of the summer. Rick is at Bryan College for a few more weeks, drop him a line to say thank you for all he has done at TASFAA! We'll miss you my friend! WHO DEY!

Check back often for blog updates from all your Board members and if you are interested in posting a blog comment - please contact Debbie Nuchols, TASFAA Publicty/Public Relations Chair.


Lester McKenzie
TASFAA President
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