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From the Desk of President Seale

11 Sep 2020 10:00 AM | Anonymous member


Hello TASFAA Friends!

I hope this email finds you safe and well.  As TASFAA President this year, I want to personally welcome you back to a new year in TASFAA!  It has been a blur for me since spring as I am sure it has been for you too.  I hope many of you were able to take vacations and actually be on vacation this summer.  We seem to struggle to find a good work/life balance.  It is the “I’ll just check this email,” or “let me just work one more hour and maybe I’ll finish” that keeps us from our self-care, and while we have always done that as a group, this year separating work from home has been even harder as many are still working from home.  Keeping up with staff and the day to day work has been more stressful and challenging than ever.  August arrived and left just as quickly.  Everyone has been busy getting students enrolled and aid audited and ready to disburse all while making sure our campuses and offices are staying safe and healthy.  Our colleagues and friends from our sponsors have also helped to keep us informed and supported our efforts through the changes we have faced.  To say it has been “a lot” is such an understatement, but I hope each of you were able to at least have a restful reprieve from all the work during the Labor Day Holiday weekend, and that you also take a break this weekend as well! 

Your 2020-2021 TASFAA Executive Board officially began its service on behalf of the Membership July 1st, and they have been hard at work planning this year with several meetings already held since July.  With the help of our sponsorship partners and members of our executive board, we have some fun and informative opportunities for training and networking already planned with more to be added soon!

First up is our Welcome Back & Kickback TASFAA Mixer, sponsored by the TASFAA Diversity Committee, next Thursday, September 17th at 5:00 PM CST (it is 5:00 somewhere 6:00 PM EST).  Our own DJ Ego, Eric Farmer, Diversity Chair, will be co-hosting and providing music that evening.  I will be sending out more information next week with a virtual link, so be on the lookout for it.  Grab your favorite cocktail or mocktail and join us!  This will be open to anyone receiving this email.

Now is the time join or renew your TASFAA membership if you haven’t already so that you will continue to have access to other webinars in the works as well as other important information throughout the year.  The membership fee remains $35.00.  TASFAA will be hosting TASFAA Thursdays for member-only webinars.  Be sure the save the following TASFAA Thursday Webinars scheduled so far:

Save the dates for TASFAA Thursdays

  • Thursday, September 24, 2020, TSAC Webinar Q&A, all paid members, TBD
  • Thursday, November 12, 2020, Governmental Relations Webinar, all paid members, 3:15-4:15 PM EST (2:15 PM CST)

The links and more information will be sent very soon as well as more dates and topics that are in the works, so get your membership application in and be sure to check your email.  Additionally, a Training Survey is forthcoming.  Be sure to complete it so that we better understand your training needs and travel restrictions to assist with our planning efforts for you.

We are looking forward to seeing you at our spring conference April 18-21, 2021 in Franklin at the Cool Springs Marriott too!  Please mark your calendars and plan to be there.  The Conference Committee is working hard planning a great event for us!

I welcome your comments and suggestions and I look forward to a great year serving as President.  Members of the 2020-2021 TASFAA Executive Board also welcome your suggestions.  We have other incredible events in the works, and we will need more volunteers.  If you are interested in serving, it is not too late!  Volunteer online or contact any member of the TASFAA board.  Again, welcome back and may you have a great year!

Health and Peace,

Danette S. Seale, MBA

2020-2021 TASFAA President

Pursue Golden Opportunities

Rise Up & Reach Out

Executive Director of Financial Aid

Carson-Newman University

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