TASFAA is holding its annual conference at the Embassy Suites in Murfreesboro, TN on Sunday, April 22 thru Wednesday, April 25, 2018.
This is TASFAA's 50 year anniversary so there are some great things planned - you won't want to miss this year's conference!
You must be an Active Member to register for this event. If you are not a member then please apply here.
**Please note that if you have not renewed your TAFSAA membership and paid the membership dues of $35 for 2017-18, you must renew your membership before registering for the conference. Please sign-in if you are a member. If your membership has lapsed, a small pop-up box will appear in the lower right hand corner of your browser (please follow that link to update your membership and pay the membership dues).
Registration for the TASFAA 2018 New Aid Officer Workshop is at the following link: New Aid Officer Workshop
If you experience any problems please email administrator@tasfaatn.com .
Contact Us: administrator@tasfaatn.com