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Transition Updates

08 Nov 2011 6:12 PM | Deleted user

Congratulations are in order for all our following colleagues!

Trevecca Nazareene University is happy to announce that Kylie Pruitt has rejoined the Financial Aid staff as Associate Director of Financial Aid (she was previously Director of FA at Aquinas). Angie Register, Financial Aid Counselor is expecting a new baby in January.

Columbia StateBrenda Burney became the new FA Director at the end of April (formerly at Art Institue of TN).  Bill McCord (who formerly was at Nashville State then Morehead State) is back in TN as the Technical Coordinator at Columbia State.  Tammy Noragon is now Scholarship Coordinator (previously with Witchita State University).  Rakida Sims is the FA Coordinator for the Columbia State Williamson County Campus (previously with Art Institute of TN).

South College: Kim Cintron became Mrs. Jeff Long on a beautiful October day (October 21, 2011). 

Rhodes College: Kim Prestridge (Assoc. Director of FA) will be giving birth to a son (Zachary) scheduled Friday Nov. 11th via C-section, and will return to work in January. 

MTSU: MTSU's scholarship staff moved to a separate office in April.  The new Scholarship Office is located in James Union Building, room 206.  The Financial Aid Office has two new employees:  Trina Wilson joined MTSU in May and is the Assistant Director responsible for the loan programs.  Joanie Walker joined MTSU full-time in September as a Coordinator after serving as the lead person in the school's Call Center this past summer.  Leann Eaton has moved up to Associate Director of Operations.



  • 09 Nov 2011 10:19 AM | Deleted user
    Congrats to Kim (Ms. Long!), Brenda, Bill, Rakida, Kylie, Joanie, Trina and Leann. Welcome to the world Zachary - congrats to Mom Kim and blessings for a safe pregnancy to Angie!
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